Tuesday, 24 July 2007

Pre-departure panic

Well, it's not all a panic - I've spent the fortnight before I go in the USA, mostly New York, with a brief trip to Washington DC. Regular readers (I like to pretend you exist: humour me) will recall the life-changing experience which was the Elective Portfolio and how much I felt I grew in a very real sense as a person while completing it. It made me realise the importance of adjusting my personal lifestyle choices and using the elective period to examine whether I'm leading the life I want to; with this in mind, I decided that an orgy of clothes shopping, double-chilliburgers, chocolate milkshakes, and the purchase of expensive electrical gadgets was the best way to prepare myself for visiting the poorest country in the world. Because it will, er, make me appreciate the contrast more, notwithstanding that I'd have to be the sort of person suited only for a job administrating the more pointlessly sadistic components of a medical curricululm not to have recognised this beforehand.

Anyway. My current concerns revolve around the amount of time I've left myself between getting back and leaving; I thought three days would be ample, but unfortunately one is a saturday and another a sunday. Oops. This means friday is going to be insanely busy, and I suspect I will forget at least two very important things. But hey. So long as I remember the suncream and the travel insurance, it's all good.

And the foreign currency.

And my passport.

And our nice red robes...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You can say what you like about mothers - irritating, interfering etc, but does mean that you have at least one loyal reader. xx